Sunday, 25 October 2009

What are you blushing at?

The other week while rooting through a vintage fair organised by I decided I’d pop into Fenwicks. This is the nearest place for me to gaze all google eyed at the latest beauty products. Speaking of new, I spotted a counter called Illamasqua; now forgive me for jumping on the bandwagon about six months too late but I hadn’t been to Newcastle for ages. Anyway, I was straight over and realised I REALLY needed a new blusher. Right away I was drawn to a gorgeous deep burgundy called..... – unfortunately I have a problem it doesn’t tell me on the compact. But here is the colour up close.

The lady on the counter was really helpful without being over powering and gave me a brush to apply the cream blusher, something I had never tried before. It gave a lovely finish on my cheeks and since then I have tried the blush application with all my cream blushes with great success. I think at first some people might be daunted by the darkness of the colour. Unlike some colours what you see if what you get, pigment wise this cream blush is very strong. As long as you use a gentle hand and build up the colour you won’t end up looking too OTT, unless of course that is what you’re going for. Personally I know this won’t be the last time I invest in Illamasqua, in fact I’m really excited about exploring their products in the future. Especially since the lovely lady who was working the counter that day let me have a go at the lucky dip. I managed to get my little mits on a full size Illamasqua intense lip gloss worth £12.50 kerching!! You can explore their products and watch some really interesting videos at

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Just for starters

I can still remember my first make up – an Avon lipstick in what can only be described as a frosted candy pick, nice look for an eight year old red head with pasty skin and a scattering of freckles. I thought I looked very grown up and I must have looked pretty dam cool if my parents let me walk to the corner shop with the lippy on and my new red tucker boots from Clarks.

That must have been when my love affair with all things make up began, now rather than flicking through the Avon catalogue, nothing make me happier than perusing the internet hungry for new products that I must have right now. When I say right now, I really mean as soon as I afford that £30 product with my measly budget. I want to meet the make-up lovers out there, who like me can’t afford everything they want, but don’t stop yearning.