Sorry about the lack of posts, I have finally got myself a job albeit temporary but I can't bear to look at a computer when I get home. However, I did find the time to make my first ever make up tutorial. It was for a competition being held by the Jemma Kidd Make Up School you can view it (if you feel you must) here.
Please let me know what you think, I was quite proud of my editing skills!!!
Here is the finished look, as you can see its quite similar to the Little Edie post I did a while back. A certain friend of mine didn't realise it was me, which I found strangely flattering. Apparently she has never seen me pull this expression, ha! I do it all the time on my own.
I really enjoyed talking to myself in my bedroom late last night, of course this was while I was filming the comp entry, so I was thinking I might do my very own tutorial. So consider the bandwagon jumped!