Sunday, 22 November 2009

Mwaaa x

As the weather starts to get cold my lips feel like they crack and shrink up, and with my lips being a bit on the small side, keeping as much surface area there is very important to me.  I also love wearing dark lip colour and nothing draws more attention to dried out lips than lipstick. 

I have bought lots of lipsalves including most recently a Cherry Cola chapstick from Claires Accesories and it smells just like the real thing mmmMMmmm, yes an impulse buy and as you would expect no real relief from sore lips.  So back to products that eight year old girls dont buy. 

The one lipsalve I keep going back to is Blistex relief cream its fairly cheap and can sort your lips out in an overnight treatment.  This cream is slightly greasy but unlike other lipsalves its doesn't just form a greasy layer on the top of your lips, it sinks in.  I once got a thick lip and and after a few applications of this, they were as right as rain.  

Another fav of mine is Carmex I love that *tingle*, I tend to use this when my lips just need a little bit of love.  You may be wondering why Vaseline isn't on my list, well I don't like how greasy it makes my mouth feel and I often find it moves up towards my nose slowly throughout the day, maybe it's got something to do with all that talking! One of my make up teachers once told me that Vaseline was the worst thing you could put on your lips, it can cause your mouth to stop producing the natural oils in your lips.  This is because your lips become too reliant on the false oil that you are using to soothe them. True or not make your own mind up but please let me know if you have any favourites, as long as it isnt the Crem De Lar Mer lip balm which is £35!  Next time i'm at duty free I'll have a sneaky try and let you know if its any good.


  1. Vaseline has chemicals in it that attracts other petroleum derived chemicals to it, I've been told... which, if it's true, means car exhaust fumes and other not good shit things get far too close to your body than we'd normally dream of letting them. I also think that vaseline in the old days (from a big tub) used to be much more waxy and better than the little pots, which are slick and utterly useless. I hate the stuff too, Jen. Good for a giggle if you happen to know the Elastica track of the same name, though. Other than eating a bag of crisps (no, really) the best thing I find is proper moisturiser, as long as it's not perfumed, since that tastes awful. And Lush lip balms rarely let me down provided they're the solid type. My friend gave me some pawpaw extract for my lips tonight and that was really good, and had no flavour. But she got that from Australia! Anything solid that you have to work in a bit I always find penetrates deeper and has the added benefit of making you exfoliate them slightly while you're doing it. Saying that, I'm always the girl who forgets to put one in her bag, so don't listen to me, I'm a doofus! x

  2. Hey I have heard of that pawpaw stuff and I have found a british supplier I think I'm going to buy some x
